The Boho BuffalO Inn

the Inn

Built in 1903, this house was the home of Dr.John Hoard Lott, his wife Ella, and their children. It also served as his medical office. The estimated cost of construction was $50,000.It has been remodeled and redecorated over the years, but still features the original hand carved oak mantels, handmade glass in the windows, and one of the most beautiful staircases in Wyoming.

Dr. Lott had served as an army surgeon at Fort McKinney and came to Buffalo to establish his medical practice in 1885. For the ten years from the completion of this house until his death in 1913, Dr. Lott treated patients in his office, and drove his buggy out to the countryside to respond to calls. During those years, he and Ella entertained often and opened their home to the needs of the community. When the school burned down in 1906, they allowed classes to be held here.

After the doctor’s death, Mrs. Lott made her living by renting out rooms and serving meals. When she died in 1935, her sons sold the property to Dale and Margaret Young. The Youngs converted it to a hotel, and called it “The Mansion House.” It was at that time listed as a Best Western Hotel. They did major remodeling, including adding bathrooms to all the second floor bedrooms. Then around 1948, they acquired the property across Holland Street and built additional rooms. This became known as the Mansion House Motel. The motel has been sold off and is no longer affiliated with the Inn.

Over the ensuing years, the property has been sold several times and each new set of owners continued to make changes that would make the place more comfortable for guests while still maintaining its historical charm.

The present owner, Sammie Renfrow, took possession in December 2023, and is working to carry on the traditions of history and hospitality with her own original style.

Guests will enjoy Snacks & Slumber rather than Bed & Breakfast. Difference? Snack Baskets full of goodies to be enjoyed in room or in lounge or on the go.

No cooked breakfast at this time.